Services at EDTG - Bremgarten   (?)

Service requests available online at Bremgarten
Initiate Request at Bremgarten
Type of requestCustoms clearance at arrival or departure from/to non-EU-contries or from/to regions with special customs regulations.
ConditionsPPR: Your customs clearance at EDTG has to be confirmed by the customs administration.
Pre-notification timesAt least 2 hours during regular operating hours, if possible the day before
Type of requestArrivals/departures outside of regular operating hours.
ConditionsPPR: Your arrival/departure outside of regular operating hours at EDTG has to be confirmed by the airport administration.
Opening hoursMonday till friday 09:00 - SS+30, max. 20:00
Saturday, sunday, holiday 9:30 - SS+30, max. 19:00 local time
Pre-notification timesAt least 2 hours during regular operating hours, preferably the day before to facilitate staff planning