Services at EDMS - Straubing   (?)

Service requests available online at Straubing
Initiate Request at Straubing
Type of requestCustoms clearance at arrival or departure from/to non-EU-contries or from/to regions with special customs regulations.
ConditionsPPR: Your customs clearance at EDMS has to be confirmed by the customs administration.
Pre-notification times90 minutes during opening hours, otherwise the day before
Additional requirementsPlease note: As long as you visit us for private reasons, you may not carry commercial goods. If your aircraft undergoes maintenance, repair or modification at a local maintenance shop, you have to contact the maintenance shop beforehand. In this case your flight is treated by customs as commercial (Veredlung) and special handling by customs apply. More information can be found at the web
Type of requestImmigration clearance at arrival or departure from/to countries that are not members of the Schengen area.
ConditionsPPR: Your immigration clearance at EDMS has to be confirmed by the border police.
Pre-notification times90 minutes during opening hours, otherwise the day before
Type of requestArrivals/departures outside of regular operating hours.
ConditionsPPR: Your arrival/departure outside of regular operating hours at EDMS has to be confirmed by the airport administration.
Opening hoursMAR-OCT: 09:00-19:00 LOC, NOV-FEB: 09:00-17:00
Pre-notification times90 minutes during opening hours, otherwise the day before
Self-report flignts at Straubing
Initiate self-report flight messsage at Straubing